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Q. I’m a TCNJ student. When can I register for courses?

A. TCNJ students will be able to register for courses using PAWS beginning in April. Please check back often throughout the spring semester and summer/fall semesters for course additions.

Q. I’m a visiting student. When can I register for courses?

A. Visiting students will be able to register for courses using the visiting student application. Please visit the Visiting Student Registration Page to check back for updates.

Q. What is the deadline for registration?

A. Refer to the Dates and Fees page for this information.

Q. Where can I find the courses offered for the winter session?

A. Course listings can be found on this website. Please refer to PAWS for the most updated information. Course offerings are subject to change.

Q. Once I register for a course, can it be cancelled?

A. Yes, winter courses can be cancelled due to low enrollment.  Instructors will be given the option to run a low-enrolled course as a special arrangement; however, they are under no obligation to do so. If you are wondering about your course’s enrollment, the total number of students enrolled in the class can be found on PAWS. If a course is cancelled, emails will be sent to students’ TCNJ accounts. Course offerings are subject to change.

Q. How many courses can I register for during the winter session?

A. A student may register for one course during the winter session.


Q. Is financial aid available for the winter session?

A. It is recommended that students who have any questions about their specific financial aid situations contact the Office of Student Financial Assistance, Green Hall 101 at 609-771-2211 or

Q. How much does a winter session course cost?

A. Information regarding tuition & fees can be found here.

Q. If I withdraw from a course after the add/drop date, do I still have to pay for that course?

A. Yes. There are no refunds if you decide to withdraw from a course, and you will not receive any credit for the course (you will receive a letter grade of “W” on your transcript, signifying that you withdrew). To view the withdraw date for the winter session, please visit our Dates & Fees page.

Q. How do I pay my bill?

A. Instructions for viewing and paying your bill.


Q. Where can I get something to eat on-campus during the winter session?

A. Please visit TCNJ’s Lion’s Den website for the most current information.

Normally, TCNJ’s Lion’s Den Food Court would be open during the winter session. In addition to the Lion’s Den Food Court, there are several convenient restaurants located within campus town.

Q. What are the library hours during the winter session?

A. Normally during the winter session, the library will be open from 7:30a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. On Friday, the library will be open 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. The library will not be open on the weekends. Please visit their website for the most current information.

Q. Can I live on-campus during the winter session?

A. For questions regarding housing, contact Residential Education and Housing at or 609-771-2301.

Q. What should I do if I have problems with my TCNJ e-mail or Canvas accounts?

A. If you have problems connecting to your TCNJ e-mail account or Canvas account, you will need to get in touch with Information Technology, TCNJ’s technology resource and support for the campus community. Visit the IT Website for more information. You may also write to

Q. Where do I find out information about my course’s textbook?

A. Textbooks will be posted on the Bookstore Website  just like during the fall and spring terms.

Q. Where can I park on campus?

A. Lots 5-7 & 17 will be open to accommodate winter students. Please note that ticketing for all other offenses (except not having a valid pass) is still in effect. Please see campus map on Parking Services’ website for parking lot locations.

Visiting Students

Q. I have just submitted an application. What are the next steps?

A. Once you submit your application, the application will be loaded by our office. This usually take 1-2 working business days. You will then receive a confirmation email from with your PAWS account and class information.

Q. I’m a visiting student. How can I obtain my grade/transcript?

A. Please see our guide to accessing your transcript.

Q. I’m a visiting student. How many credits are TCNJ courses worth?

A. Typically, undergraduate courses are 1 unit, which is equivalent to 4 credits. Graduate courses are 3 credits. Course credits may vary based on course.

Q. I’m a visiting student. How will my credits transfer to my school?

A. Credits  are regularly transferred to many other colleges and universities. However, visiting students expecting to transfer winter credits to other institutions should secure, in advance, approval of their course selection from the institution to which they wish to transfer credit.

Q. Where can I obtain a course syllabus?

A. To obtain a syllabus, you will need to contact the professor directly. If their name isn’t listed in the Courses tab, please email us at with the course information and we will provide you with the information for the course’s professor or department in order to obtain a syllabus. For general course descriptions, please visit the Undergraduate Bulletin or Graduate Bulletin.

Q. I’m a visiting student. How will I be billed?

A. All students will receive a billing statement from Student Financial Accounts in their TCNJ E-mail Account ONLY. You will also be able to view a copy of your bill via your PAWS account.

Q. What is PAWS?

A. PAWS, Primary Academic Web Services, is the Web application through which you will access your course enrollment, financial account, grades, and transcript.

Q. How do I log in to PAWS?

A. To log in to PAWS, you need your TCNJ username (e-mail ID) and password, which can be obtained by accessing the Account Lookup. PAWS can be accessed through the TCNJ Today page and clicking on PAWS at the top. For instructions on how to use PAWS, please view the PAWS Help Page here.

Q. How do I drop a class?

A. Please see our PAWS instruction page.


Winter 2026 Visiting Student Registration Will Open in October 2025